Hydro Pneumatic Systems
Blairs offers a range of products comprise Hydro-pneumatic Systems like
Hydro-Pneumatic Pressure Booster System, Hot Water Circulation System,
Hydro-pneumatic Pressure System and Water Transfer Pump.
Hot Water Circulation System
water circulations systems checks’ temperature in return pipe plus works
according to the increase and decrease of temperature, it is starts when the
temperature decreases and stop once reach the requisite temperature maintains a
stable temperature throughout the pipe line.
Control panel contains
- Overload relay, Contractors
- MCB's, cyclic timer
- Push button
- Auto manual switch
- Digital Temperature Display in return Pipe
- Volt meter, ampere meter
Pneumatic systems are in fix drive or Variable Frequency Drive for gated
communities, Process Industry, Utility Usage, Industrial Washing, Sprinkler
Application, Chemical Industry, Food Processing Industry, Multi-storey
buildings, Hotels, Schools, Hospitals, IT Parks, high end musical Fountains,
Public/municipal water supply and distribution networks to get equal water
pressure for all Commercial & Residential Complexes and All type of
industries, as they are considered as energy efficient systems resulting in
reduction of electrical costs.
BLAIRS hydro-pneumatic pressure booster
pressure controlled pump, an air filled poly-ether-urethene (PEU) bladder and a
pressure tank contains by BLAIRS hydro-pneumatic pressure booster system. The
water gets pumped in this tank that compresses it and pressurizes the bladder
which in turn maintains a desired pressure inside the whole water system. No
manual intervention is required by automatic system. A simple pressure
transducer, connected to the VFD, monitors pump discharge pressure and varies
motor speed accordingly. At the end power requirement will be reduced and power
reduction will defiantly give savings of electricity bills.
HPS continuously observes the system pressure and performs according to the
change in pressure. Through an assembly of a logic control panel unit with 2 to
6 pumps plus a Pre charged Membrane pressure tank, the system is exclusively
easy to operate from installation to everyday surveillance. Only required
numbers of pumps are operational at anytime. Material used in designing makes
sure that all wet parts never corrode and no harmful traces of metal pass into
the water.
can be installed at overhead tank otherwise over the water storage sump which
is mostly positioned in cellar otherwise basement. This make sure that all the
pumps are put to equal use and operation of whole systems is stable and
constant it also equipped with protection system from dry running when the
suction tank is empty.
Dependable and Durable products.